INDIGENOUS RECIPROCITY NOW GENERATES PSYCHEDELIC FUTURES FOR ALL 21+ Beloved Presents, Tiger Fox, and the Psychedelic Health Equity Initiative are thrilled to co-host an evening of connective celebration honoring lineage and supporting greater access in psychedelic healing. We are amplifying the mission of the Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund, which supports the psychedelic space to become allies in strengthening and protecting Indigenous Peoples, their medicines, and knowledge, supporting Indigenous Communities to thrive for generations to come.

Forward Together was co-created last year with the purpose of centering the importance of marginalized people’s access to psychedelics, facilitator training, healing modalities, and the rights of the Indigenous peoples who originated psychedelic medicine work

READY! Honoring the IMCF - 9pm Come circle up and drop in as we honor the vision of IMCF, hear their story, and connect with their mission.

SET! Beloved Song Circle - 9pm In this revolution we gather to sing. Sing for healing, creation, grief, and renewal. We deeply rejoice to offer a time to bring all of our voices together with three phenomenal song leaders for a Beloved Song Circle with Shireen Amini, Claudia Cuentas, & Hanifa Nayo.

GO! Reciprocity Resonance - 10:30pm - Two rooms of music with Liquid Bloom, Savej, Rebelwise, and more!
